Blink: My 11th grader will in a few days be a high school senior.
Blink: The younger one is diagnosed with Behcets, a rare auto immune disorder. She's doing well, lowering her prednisone each week, diet changed - no sugar, wheat, dairy. We have excellent support and feel much better as a healthy family. Wow... that was pretty intense. I totally acknowledge my wife, she was fierce and so protective, it was a beautiful thing to behold.
Blink: Last week had 4 girls in bikinis and a dog on an isolated Nor Cal beach screaming as we all jumped into the freezing Pacific Ocean. Forgot my camera.
Blink: The recent super moon had me and again 4 teens down by the water at night. I brought my camera.
Creating platforms for the California Academy of Science.
My home office studio
One of my other gigs - chalk drawing with elementary school kids. Oxford Elementary, Berkeley CA with my nonprofit
Blink: My oldest JUST started driving. Took her almost a year to get her permit (she just turned 17 yesterday). My wife and I told her this was here own project to make happen. There is at times, a feeling of doing too much for her and damn, gotta kick her lazy butt out the door to have her experience and know that she can do things for herself - like even cook a meal. AND... she is a great driver. I've been teaching my girls how to drive since they were babies.
One moment was that someone drank too much. I brought them home late, they were totally without any balance. I'm walking her to our front gate from my truck and I can hear her belly begin to rumble. I reach for the gate, her balance and lack-of throws me a tad off balance and my dog happily stops right in front of us, tail wagging, ready to get into the front yard. I basically toss my daughter to one side while flinging the gate open saying... "DO NOT PUKE ON MY DOG!" She remembered me laughing. We always talk next day about what they learned, what they will do differently next time as they learn how better to take care of themselves.
27 Powers
Creative Blessings to All, especially to all Parents, and especially to all Dad.